Holiday Surprises…The Power of 90DayGoals.
90DayGoals VIP Team Members and Blog readers.
Happy Holidays from my Heart to Yours.
The Westin Hotel in Atlanta is where it started.
As I reflect on the 2007 year and the upcoming holiday,
My Heart is filled with emotion from the love that you
Have extended to me and my mission.
You all have made 2007 a wonderful year
for the 90DayGoals team and I.
The Instant Expert Maker program started along
with Instant Expert Marketing, coaching/mentoring and
Instant Expert Websites.
The intense positive email that I received from
My Mentor and friend, Mike Litman’s, Greatness Nation calls,
inspired me to start not one but two Blog Talk Radio shows;
“TodaysGuest” and “PowerTalk.”
The FAB-5 Radio team started on,
With Dr. Mike Davison, Tracy Repchuk and Dave,
Penni Wild and Ronda Del Boccio.
Now I am blessed with another Team of Fabulous friends
The “TodaysGuest” TV series resumed recently after I fought
with bouts of total daily exhaustion and finally
BEATING Prostate Cancer this year.
Thank you all for your LOVE and support
during this trying health ordeal.
We just finished editing the 3 of the 5 shows that were
Taped just two weeks ago.
The five shows will broadcast on AACTV,
public access television in
January 2008. “TodaysGuest” TV
will have a new program each week.
Dr. Mike Davison, my friend and business associate,
And I have been working behind the scenes creating new
self-development programs for 2008.
What a pleasure it is to be working with Dr. Mike Davison,
“Your Destiny Doctor.” He is AWESOME!
Remember, we have only met twice since 2004,
the first time was at the VIP seminar in Atlanta
and again in 2007 at Mike Litman’s seminar in
New York. It was as if we have known each other
for ever.
If our friendship was the only thing that I received from
Getting into Internet Marketing than it was worth it.
Our friendship is one that is truly
“Made In Heaven.”
Having BIG Dreams, Goals, a Definiteness of Purpose
And taking daily Action steps is what contributed to
All of the above Miracles.
But, Most importantly, All of You have blessed me the most
With your friendship.
Thank you and Happy Holidays.
“Live for your Dreams each day and watch the Miracles Happen”
PS. I have gifts on my website and
downloads for you on Blog Talk Radio.
Look below, my friends.
FR*EE audios and videos on:
The Instant Expert program is breaking
new ground in Success achievement.
You are an Expert, see how.
"TodaysGuest" Blog Talk Radio
Hear the FAB-5 each morning on the
worlds newest Blog Talk Radio Show,
M-F at 10am ET. Call: 1-646-716-9817
Hear me Every Tuesday at 5pm ET
with an new Expert Guest each week on
PowerTalk Radio: 1-646-716-9940 or
on the web at: