6 Degrees of Separation
Listen to my Radio Interview on Miboso Radio, Today at 11:00 am EDT. Check it out at: www.MibosoRadio.com. Listen in, ask questions and review the program at your leisure. This program is brought to you through WorldTalk Radio and has over 1 million listeners a month from around the world.
Rosemary Davies-Janes is the creator and host of this program. This months theme is the Six Degrees of Separation Series on the Many Faces of Coaching Show. The co-host of this series is Shelby Collinge.
Degree One.
I was working at my camera store and studio in Annapolis, Maryland and a good corporate customer of mine came in. For now, let's call him Bob White. (Degree One) Bob was the media director of the Anne Arundel County, Board of Education and a radio personality at the local radio station. This day, Bob was asking me some strange questions about religion. We had never talked about religion before and this was what I thought was odd to say the least. Bob White was asking me about MY religion. I told him that I felt that I was very religious in my own way. I was brought-up and taught as a Catholic by my family but I practiced my religion by going out into the outdoors and having direct talks with my Creator. I had read over 5 versions of the Bible by that time and I was looking for spiritual guidence in the Word.
I told Bob that I had my own, "Conversations With GOD" every Sunday. This was a special event between me and GOD and that I thrived on this experience whenever I could. Bob ask me a few times about what I did when I talked with GOD and the experience's that I had. He left the store and I never thought about it until later. Much later.
Degree Two, Three and Four.
In 2002, I found someone who inspired me by the name of Mike Litman (Degree Two). Mike Litman and Jason Oman (Degree Three) were publishing a book called, "Conversations With Millionaires" and doing an internet promotion to make the book #1 on Amazon.com. This became a #1 best seller for them and Mike, Jason and I became friends and associates. Through them, I met John Di Lemme (Degree Four) and started mentoring with all of them to create my 90 Day Goals system. I found out that Jason Oman got the idea for the "Conversations with Millionaires" book from seeing a copy of "Conversations with GOD" in a college dorm room.
Degree Five.
I co-founded the Total Self Mastery University with Dr. Mike Davison (Degree Five). I met Dr. Mike at the VIP seminar in Atlanta last August where we were both VIP Speakers under the mentorship of John Di Lemme (Remember, Degree Four).
Degree Six
I was fortunate to have Wally Amos (Degree Six) of the Famous Amos Cookie fame give me a testimonial for the 90 Day Goals program. You can view that testimonial on the www.90DayGoals.com website.
Here is the strangest part.
Wally Amos (Degree Six) has a testimonial on the cover of his newest book, "The Cookie Never Crumbles" from the author of "Conversations With GOD" Neale Donald Walsch. The Bob(Degree One) that I knew in Annapolis was actually, Neale Donald Walsch, the author of "Conversations With GOD".
That is how The Six Degrees of Separation came into my life in this one instance. It happens all of the time and is one of the Miracles that we can see if we look for it. Everyone has a story like this. Think about it and send me an email with your story. I would be honored to hear from you.
Frank Gasiorowski, Creator of 90 Day Goals.