"Today's Guest" on Radio, TV & Teleconference
90 day Goals has just branched out into Radio, TV and tele-conferences with the "TodaysGuest" program. Starting with tele-conferences, I, (Mr. 90 Day Goals) will interview a guest each week. The program will be recorded and MP3's can be downloaded. The client (TodaysGuest) will get a professional interview that they can take to self promote their Goals and Dreams to others.
The first interview will be with Andrew Fenwick from West Sussex, UK, England. Andrew or Andy as he like to be called is a business leader with Kleeneze in the UK and Ireland. Andy will discuss how he started his business and how he became a Gold business leader.
Contact frank@90daygoals.com for the rates and details for the 1/2 interview. I am scheduling interviews every Wednesday from now to the end of the year. The introductory rate of $300 per interview is valid until December 31, 2005. The rate will be set at $500 per session in January 2006.
Imagine having your own CD/MP3 to hand out to prospects and clients. You are the expert and the "TodaysGuest" interview will seal that fact.
The "TodaysGuest" program will branch out into radio and TV in 2006. I'll interview many types of expert's each week on the radio and TV programs. I'll keep the 90 Day Goals Team posted on what advancements are being made with the media. I have a talk with an Oprah producer next week. Check back on this blog for the details.
The "TodaysGuest" Program will have it's own website, www.TodaysGuest.com. That is now under construction along with www.GoalsTV.com and www.GoalsRadio.com.
Please send in your comments.