You Are The DREAM
To the 90 Day Goals TEAM and the
Total Self Mastery University Clients.
This Saturday starts the last 90 Day Goals period for 2005.
Have you accomplished all that you had intended
and hoped for this year?
If not, there is still hope.
You have 90 days to get it together.
You can change your life in 90 Days.
Thousands of clients do it every quarter.
Q4, (4th 90daygoals period) starts NOW!
Remember; write down those Goals and Dreams.
Take Massive and Immediate ACTION,
You are the DREAM.
I put this in every email that I write,
"Live for your Dreams everyday and watch the
Miracles happen in your life".
What we need to consider is that we are already a Dream
and a Miracle. A Dream and a Miracle that has come true.
Give gratitude that we are the Dream and a Miracle.
You are the Dream of your Creator and it may
have been a Dream of someone dear to you also.
Realize that you are a living Dream. Yes, YOU!
Now, when you think and visualize your Goals and Dreams
for the last quarter of 2005,
just remember the Miracle that you are already.
You are a Miracle and your Dreams and Goals
are given to you to better Humankind.
That gift is your purpose.
Everyone has this special gift (purpose) to give
and only you can give it.
Don’t take this lightly, People are waiting for you
to provide them with your gift.
It is not only your right it is your mission.
If you don’t provide others with your gift
then you are being selfish and violating
the natural law of giving and receiving.
Without giving your gift, you will never truly receive
what to yours to receive.
That is a life of abundance not only for you but to
those who receive the gift that you have to offer.
I know this is a strong statement.
It is part of my gift to you.
I must bring this to your immediate attention
before you write your Q4 Dreams and Goals.
You are the Dream.
You are the Miracle.
I did not know this until I was having
Heart By-pass surgery.
I did not know if I would wake-up after surgery.
I thought,
“Am I giving all that I have to offer
my family and the world?”.
All of a sudden, I realized that I was just taking
what life had to offer and that I was not giving
what my Creator put me here for.
I was to Give my gift without reservation.
I must help others to accomplish there Dreams and Goals.
Don’t wait until you are looking death in the face
To realize that you are not just a by-stander but
You must be a pro-active participant in life.
That is what created, the “90DayGoals” system.
Each season of the year has a purpose and each
90 Day Goals period is a special purpose to you.
In this fall season, we want to clean-up and
prepare for the winter.
Get rid of the old junk that accumulated for the
last 3 quarters and stock-up resources for the
final season of 2005.
Prepare your Goals for a new beginning.
Cast off what did not work this year and get new
material and nourishment to prepare your mind.
Do what it takes to get you to your Goals.
These new ideas may take the form of reading,
Writing, journaling, seminars,
teleconferences, workshops and coaching.
I belong to a Mastermind group.
This is a great way to create new ideas
and to stay focused and accountable.
For more information on Mastermind groups
that are forming,
Contact me at:
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